Friday, October 28, 2011

Repost - my favorite song

there was a song that I love to sing when i was a child. the song makes me feel calm as I sing it. I don’t really know what the title is but  I remember the lyric. it’s in Malay.

Saya ada burung pipit
suatu hari jatuh sakit
saya fikir semut gigit
rupa-rupa tersepit.

Di sebuah kampung di tepi gunung
penduduknya bahagia
ada seorang tukang kebun
namanya Zaid.(it can be any name for sure)

Oh Zaid oh Zaid oh Zaid kawanku
rupa cantik kain batik
oh Zaid kawanku.

Malam-malam mimpi-mimpi
Lights(this can be any name also) datang kerumah
tapi sayang cuma mimpi
oh Zaid kecewa.

that’s all I can remember. if you think you knowt this song, do correct any mistake you find.

Thanks for reading.


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